Non-science illustration

Design is all about communicating information in a clear, concise, and visually appealing manner. My experience with cartooning and graphic novel storytelling has helped me to develop those skills, requiring that I always seek to find the most striking and effective ways to inform and engage the reader.
Guten Dog
Germany has a budget surplus, so they decide to get a dog. This is a children's book illustrated in a 1950s animation style.
Couple Things
Selection of single panel cartoons from a book featuring inanimate objects dealing with life and relationship issues.
Selection of cartoons from a book of single panel political cartoons (2011-2013). One was featured in the book 'Beautiful Trouble' (2012).
Graphic novel: Echo Box
Selection of art pages from a full-length graphic novel centered on the theme of market-based militarism and militarized markets.
Graphic novel: The Contortionist
Selection of pages from a full-length graphic novel based on a screenplay by Dan Polier and Suzanne Lummis.
Educational children's book featuring the cosmic travels of Astrobear.